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Working with... Infinity Initiatives


I started helping Infinity Initiatives when they were just beginning, designing everything from magazines to coffee mornings. As they are based in my town I felt a strong connection with the group and the amazing work they do with the community.

Infinity Initiatives

Infinity Initiatives was established in 2015 in order to support those caught in the 'revolving door' of support, in and out of agencies or falling between ever increasing thresholds. Since then they have expanded into the team they are today offering various services across Greater Manchester & North Wales.

All Infinities projects and services are co-designed between staff, volunteers and clients. It is also a priority to co-deliver wherever possible and a continual review and development of their work is essential to providing a timely and fit for purpose service.

They are further supported by a team of 10 counsellors. Counselling clients will have direct access to additional support such as debt management, foodbank access and advocacy.

Infinities main strategic aim is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for individuals and to provide an offer of bespoke support without timeframes and thresholds.

If you need help from Infinity Initiatives visit them at


If you require design why not choose Gareth Wright Design Based in Tameside, Manchester we cover all aspects of print and social media design. Visit our website at Gareth Wright Design and social media platforms.


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