The Brief
The creative brief lays out the foundations of the design project. This will contain the details of your vision, be it a fully-realised and detailed plan or a vague notion of what you’d like the end product to look like. The brief can determine vital aspects of the design like themes or values to be included or the target audience/demographic the brand is aimed at. It can also include things like a budget and a timeline for completion.
Market Research
Market research is the first step you take after producing the brief and this phase is entirely dedicated to researching and gathering information on the brand, the product, the themes, the target audience, and every other aspect you can imagine! Each is put under a magnifying glass to see how it can be used in the most effective way possible. May also include research into competitors!
Brainstorm Time
Now is the time when the design really begins to take shape. Once you have your brief and have completed your market research stage, it’s time to start your first of many brainstorming sessions! Time to throw stuff at a wall and see what sticks, as they say. You’ve established the parameters of the project but have yet to sort out the minutia and this is where brainstorming helps to focus your design and fine tune the details.
20/50/90 Reviews
Although this is the fourth stage in our process, this is actually three stages in itself. The review stage requires reviews at various stages of completion. 20/50/90 reviews are conducted when the project is 20%/50%/80% completed respectively. The 20% review is completed once a skeletal or wireframe plan of the project is available to affirm keep details. The 50% review confirms core components are coming together correctly, while the 90% review is done when the final product is nearly complete, to fine tune the details!
The Final Product
The final stage is to produce the final product! From just a few rough ideas presented in the brief through to a completed design, the final product is ready to be employed in your marketing, website, or to adorn your products! Whether it was a new logo or a complete rebranding, this is the most exciting part for any business looking for graphic design services!
If you are looking for some graphic design services to take your business to the next level, make sure to check us out and all the amazing services we offer here at Gareth Wright Design!